The photo credits for this post go to Marj Heinrichs, baby lover extrordinaire - see bottom photo for proof. There's nothing I can write that won't be obscene gushing about my own children, so I leave you with the (gorgous-amazing-wonderful-delightful) pictures...
Yay yay yay! Those pictures made my day! Tan the kids are too precious. I can't believe how long Ivy's hair is getting and those missing teeth ... classic. Love it!
I'd say obscene gushing is called for! Those three kids of yours are completely amazing and Ezra is the most squishable baby ever held! Watching you and Jeremy parent makes me wish I could do it all over again - better this time. Thanks for your most gracious hospitality and baby-sharing. could always let the _grandparents_ gush obscenely. Grandparents are allowed to get away with so much more. (Especially when the kids really _are_ as adorable, intelligent, and well-behaved as I suspect yours are.)
Yes Nicole, the gap is classic. Ivy is dearly hoping to lose the top two before the bottom ones come in so she has an enormous gap. I'm not sure why exactly but I think it has to do with eating experiments that won't be table worthy.
Marj - you didn't see me in the grocery store yesterday AND I didn't have 5 kids in 10 years!! You're being too hard on yourself I think. If I manage to communicate with my children through their teen/adult years half as well as you have I'll be in good shape. Your gushing does make me reflect and enjoy the little kid & baby moments more, thank you.
Julie, the grandparents do gush a lot, I should just get them to do it more publicly perhaps! We're all hopelessly biased of course.
Alright then, permission given and gush I will. We have the the most beautiful, sweet, loving, creative and spunky fun-loving grandchildren ever and we are so button bustin proud of them. Guess it's not ok then to mention the wonderful children we have who are such a rich treasure? Grandma Pearl
Yay yay yay! Those pictures made my day! Tan the kids are too precious. I can't believe how long Ivy's hair is getting and those missing teeth ... classic. Love it!
I'd say obscene gushing is called for! Those three kids of yours are completely amazing and Ezra is the most squishable baby ever held! Watching you and Jeremy parent makes me wish I could do it all over again - better this time. Thanks for your most gracious hospitality and baby-sharing. could always let the _grandparents_ gush obscenely. Grandparents are allowed to get away with so much more. (Especially when the kids really _are_ as adorable, intelligent, and well-behaved as I suspect yours are.)
Yes Nicole, the gap is classic. Ivy is dearly hoping to lose the top two before the bottom ones come in so she has an enormous gap. I'm not sure why exactly but I think it has to do with eating experiments that won't be table worthy.
Marj - you didn't see me in the grocery store yesterday AND I didn't have 5 kids in 10 years!! You're being too hard on yourself I think. If I manage to communicate with my children through their teen/adult years half as well as you have I'll be in good shape. Your gushing does make me reflect and enjoy the little kid & baby moments more, thank you.
Julie, the grandparents do gush a lot, I should just get them to do it more publicly perhaps! We're all hopelessly biased of course.
Your children are ADORABLE!
Alright then, permission given and gush I will. We have the the most beautiful, sweet, loving, creative and spunky fun-loving grandchildren ever and we are so button bustin proud of them. Guess it's not ok then to mention the wonderful children we have who are such a rich treasure? Grandma Pearl
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