
no spoilers

This post contains a brief and completely benign reference to the "Deathly Hallows" for those of you rabidly trying to avoid any info on it. I'd rather pull out all my toenails than spoil someone else's excitement in reading it.

I've been living in a strange reality (or lack of?) this week. Some random notes on the last few days...

- Harry Potter mania. It may be my only mass pop culture infatuation. I got my hot little hands on Book 7 Saturday morning and finished the last chapter when I woke up at 7am today. Not saying anything. I also went to see the Order of the Phoenix movie this week and it was good brain candy for my lady-in-waiting headfog. I didn't have to think to follow the plotline and it was fun to do the theatre thing which is so rare for me. Nobody paused the movie for my multiple washroom breaks though.

- Ivy got her first loose tooth when she bit into a carrot yesterday. The glow on her face as she realized the long waited for event was happening was priceless. It managed to shock me because it seemed to drive home the enormous changes going on. First born growing up rapidly and a new family unit configuration in the next few weeks. It's like I'll fall asleep and wake up with Ivy leaving for college (or a trip around the world), Ella in the throes of teenage drama and jr. pulling hijinks in middle school. It's a good reminder to appreciate the present, not rush things along because time will fly. Remind me again when I moan about not getting enough sleep.

- Had the impulse to check my own blog to see if I had the baby.


Anonymous said...

Come on baby, your mama is hot and tired of carrying you around in there. Come out!

James officially began crawling this week. It's wild!

Tannis said...

He's way too comfy and wants to quickly pack on an extra 3 pounds, I just know it.

Crazy how fast they learn stuff when you look back! In the moment it sometimes feels like it's taking forever. He must be happy to be moving forwards now!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tannis, I started reading your blog a few weeks ago. Your mom told me I had to see your belly pictures. We have the same CRV! You look great - considering. Best wishes as you deliver your third precious baby. You are a brave woman! I'm keeping you in my prayers. (we've been busy planning Lindsay's wedding in Sept.)love Sherri H.

Teri said...

what did you think of the last HP book? I had it finished by 3:30 on Saturday afternoon. LOL! yeah, I abandoned the kids with Neil so I could read. LOL!

we'll be in BC tomorrow. yay!

Tannis said...

Sorry Teri, we'll have to talk about it in person. I've sworn not to bring it up until Jer is done too - it's very hard!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tannis. I know I never leave a message, but I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you all, and hope that everything goes perfect with your labour and delivery. Say hi to Jer and your two little angels.
Love Karen St. Pierre

Jeremy said...

Ok, I'm done the book. Talk away.

It was 2am when I finished, though...so don't expect me to contribute anything of value.