Here we are at 9 months and baby is now feeling huge. Still happy, healthy and feeling remarkably wonderful although if this hits the "10 month" post you're likley to witness some issues cropping up. I've had my thoughts on August 1st for a while now (methinks that would make for a very happy Tante T) so we'll see if I'm even close for the first time. Let me see...I'm going to hazard some more guesses just for entertainment. I'll say a shade under/over 9lbs, trust the ultrasound tech on the "boy" analysis and hope for a labour much like I had with Ella. I wouldn't either be shocked if it was wrong on all counts though, there have been plenty of surprises with this pregnancy.
Now that is an impressive preggo belly! You're still so tiny I think it makes the belly look all the more round ... I love it! Here's to Aug. 1st!
I'm with ya on the August 1st... I'm keeping the phone line open...
Hmm, yeah. August 1st. It sounded great to me! Unfortunately, unless this is my speediest labour ever that window is closing and I get to pick a new date (and new weight).
I should give you the heads up that we're planning to make fewer phone calls right away this time so the blogs might end up being quicker info for the most part. Feel free to obsessively check online if you want entertainment and don't mind being disappointed on a regular basis!
Tan, you look so fantastic. You and baby really popped since your 8 months pic.
Now it's a race between these two kiddos, hey? It's anybody's date now. Why you thinking 9 pounder? What were the girls?
Yes, this one has popped like crazy. It's very entertaining for local beach-goers apparently. I haven't seen any photos of you in your glory lately - same idea?
Ivy was 8lbs, 15oz a week early and Ella was 9lbs 10oz at a day over. I thought this one was smaller but I'm not so sure anymore. I know I can do it but still, if we could avoid the part about getting hung up on the shoulders that would be nice!
Praying there are no shoulder issues with this little man! You could definately have a 9 pounder there - but even though James was a week late, and I was HUGE, he was still in the 8 pound range, so who knows.
Sorry about the Aug.1 dream coming and going. I will definately be checking in here frequently, or hope that Jer can catch Ryan on MSN with the news.
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