Feeling hot, hot, HOT. But not unbearable by any means (yet), in fact the feet are barely getting puffy (yet)! With 38 degrees in the forecast I can't expect my sleep to improve though. The pregnancy is still going fabulously well, despite the bad couple of days I noted in my last entry. The nights are getting less restful and I wonder if it's a hormonal change as much as the heat. It's like I'm drinking 3 cups of coffee just before bed (I'm not) and I'm having a lot of trouble stopping the buzzing. If they were at least interesting, productive thoughts the time would pass more quickly. I'm usually dog-tired by then and resent the half-wakefulness because it means I have to turn over/hit the washroom far more often. Yes, the old wives would tell me that this is nature's way of preparing me for a newborn. I say if nature wanted to prepare me I'd be sleeping 18 hour nights for the month before the birth. Then again, maybe it is more than a month away.
I am delighted to have passed a significant milestone on the weekend, the 37 week mark. It's a big deal for us because it's when the medical community declares the baby to be technically "full term". For most women that means if they go into labour the hospital will no longer try to hold it off. To me it means clearance for the home birth. I now have a 5 week window where it's officially sanctioned - from 3 weeks before the due date until 2 weeks after. That would be July 7- August 11 if I counted right. So please, nobody bug me about
still being pregnant before August 11.
Unfortunately in explaining this all to the girls after they heard us talking about it, they are now on high alert and expect the baby at any second. I don't feel anything like full-term most days and am trying to mentally prepare for carrying this one over into August, while sincerely hoping I don't. That said, I'm not feeling any urgency about it yet. I'm having a lovely summer where I get up early while it's still cool and have my coffee before anyone else wakes up. I love this time. We try to get necessary errands done in the morning and then by mid-afternoon there is nothing to do but head to the lake for as long as possible and then stop by the fruit stand on the way home to find some supper ingredients. Repeat.