I'm hitting the five month point in this pregnancy thing - over half way! Over the last two weeks I've had the feeling of "here it comes". The little gaffer is really ramping up the activity, the weight is creeping (leaping?) up and people are starting to notice. I haven't started bumping into things with the belly or grunting when I get up from the couch so clearly there's plenty of growing left to do.
Oh wow ... what a change! Beautiful, just beautiful Tannis :)
Thanks for commenting the change - I generally assume I'm the only one who thinks it's anything significant! I'm starting to wish I hadn't focussed almost exclusively on finding summer maternity clothes (although I'll be pleased later). Thank goodness for donations from friends.
Definitely a change! I'm surprised people are just starting to notice now. And you make a beautiful pregnant woman :) not that you're not when you're not preggo, but I'm sure you know what I mean :)
Good luck with maternity clothes!
Hi Tan, that's a lovely picture of you, pretty much regal. Thanks for sharing the updates. Love u, mom
For us, 5 months was a unique turning point, in that we had spent the first 5 months of the pregnancy in Perth, and the latter months back in Canada. What strikes me though, is that looking back it never seemed to me that Sophie and I were impeded from doing anything in Perth (other than some real bad reflux that Sophie had - no more jalapenos in the refried beans!) When we returned to Canada, the reality of the pregnancy became so much more apparent, both physically and emotionally. Here's hoping that your stress levels remain low, and that Spring brings lots of added energy.
Thanks mom!
Greg - The energy the last month or so has been great and I've really appreciated it. I'm also savouring sleeping through the night, it's wonderful.
Strangely, the better my body feels, the less real the pregnancy seems. You're right about there being certain turning points though, it won't be long before I'm lugging myself around in a different way.
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