We have used the espresso machine pretty much daily since we got it, sometimes a lot more than once. It's so fun it's almost embarrassing. I'm not really getting the aforementioned buzz from caffeine because it makes such good decaf compared to drip - I'm assuming that's better for me in the long run and am hoping it results in a babe that will sleep more compared to one that's wired. Mmmhmm, right. I'll need some luck on that one.
Umm...YUM. We're total addicts.
Yeah, I certainly don't miss the caff-buz when Angelo makes me a decaf americano. Are you making the steamed milks/cocoas for the girls too? Those early morning Bux opens with Larry must be filtering through your thoughts when you start to make a whole lotta noise... Remember.. aerate...and settle.
I have to confess that I've lost the touch with steaming milk. The wand is different and I haven't adapted. The other thing is that I got so used to steaming whole milk at work. It's harder to get great foam with skim, right? I could use a refresher tutorial.
It does bring back bux memories, they're happy but I don't miss the 5:30am start very often.
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