We had good success with our baby sling with Ella and plan to use it again but I wanted to also try something new this time. A baby wrap is basically a very, very long piece of fabric you wind around and tie onto yourself. I don't know how long it will take to get the hang of it but I'm going to try. The main advantage over the sling is that it distributes the weight over both shoulders. I did a bunch of research and worked off of my favorite designs to make myself one. It took about 2 hours and $10 worth of fabric (carefully bought in the bargain section) plus some very wonderful small pieces of silk that I had.
Ella doesn't look too sure about it in the picture but seemed to actually get a kick out of it. It doesn't fit that comfortably over my belly right now though.
A little odd looking, but I bet it will work great for the new little one! I still have to get your sling back - sigh... I am not very good at mailing things. LOL!
Yeah, the wrap is a pretty different style but I love the idea of not getting thrown off balance.
When I really need the sling I'll make a post to publicly remind you. Kidding.
LOL! You seriously should! Maybe I'd be better off to bring it when we come at the end of July. It would give us an actual excuse to say "we have to see you!" I'm sure you know how busy it can get when visiting your old town!
That's great! I don't that I would like the clingyness of it but it looks so comfy for baby! And for $10 and a couple hours, that's awesome! Especially with the price of those things!
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