There are a lot of overgrown beds that need cleaning out since we didn't do any of the work last fall. So far I'm loving it but hope it won't be overwhelming. Doing little bits at a time seems to be working and the belly isn't getting in the way yet. I'd love to have all the grunt work done before it's time to plant. I hit the Kelowna seed swap with a friend last weekend and got lots of good stuff - not sure if it will all get planted!

The kids each have each chosen a small vegetable box in the garden and were busy hoeing and raking the soil before coming in to the house to warm up and make their lists of desired vegetables. I have no idea how that's going to work out but I'm sure it will be interesting and mostly fun.

Hey have tons of fun with this (as it sounds you are)... I recall being pretty excited at having a garden when we were in the country. I should have asked someone who knew something about gardening how to plant stuff though ;) I think the tomatoes worked out, the corn was ok and the rest were non existent or really weenie.. :)
Somehow I have a feeling your garden will be lush !
Thanks for the vote of confidence but last year I gardened here a bit already and it wasn't a complete success. The corn didn't come up at all and the peppers & tomatoes didn't do much. Green beans, garlic, lettuce and potatoes all did okay. The herbs did fine too. This year I'm actually planning to water the garden since I'm living on site, that may help.
Looking forward to helping out with the garden again this summer!!
Sounds like you already have plenty of helpers. Good luck and enjoy watching the growth. This year we'll leave out sunflowers in ours because they pretty much didn't know when to stop.
I'll save some fattahan(?) just for you!
Love this trio of photos...makes me miss our quiet, earthy life all the more. LA is...not so much.
Our quiet, earthy life was covered in a thin layer of snow this morning! I thought that was behind us.
Summer Save Us!!!!!
Sweet post.
Reminds me of our first spring on our new BC yard. The perennials started popping up in February and I thought I was in heaven. The planter was a genius. Seems there's always something new blooming in some crook of the yard 6 months of the year.
This year I was thinking of just doing some peas or anything that the kids can just sit in the garden and munch on.
Some people have a real talent for envisioning when different things are going to bloom and how they'll look together. I will be at least 60 before I figure that out. I'm more of the random school of gardening.
Anything edible that is remotely attractive to the kids is probably a good thing. Ours always beg to pull up the carrots and snack on them, I love that.
This rules. I'm living vicariously through you dear friend.
Bill, I should point out to the masses that any beauty that currently exists on the yard is due to the previous gardeners and their foresight...thanks!
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