
spring is in the...

...hair, Ella's hair to be exact.

I love all things spring except woodticks. I thought I saw one in Ella's hair this afternoon so I pulled it off and then dropped it before getting a good look. I found a piece of similar sized leaf on the floor and assumed that was what it had actually been. I came back to where the kids were all playing a few minutes later and saw a tick on Ezra's head. *shiver* I hope it was the same one, multiple ticks coming inside at once is not a good sign. Those teeny creatures creep me out a lot more than they should, I'm not generally so squeamish. My head it itching all over just thinking about it. Is yours?


Domestic Bloggess said...

Oh I just scratched my head cuz it got itchy just reading that. Here's to keeping those pesky buggers out!

Anonymous said...

ohhh, and I know why they creep you out. Remember that huge blood filled sucker behind your ear? mom