- sleeping loft with access to lakeview deck
- emergency slide exit
- skylight
- opening windows on all sides for great ventilation
- built in bench & table with small kitchen counter
- living area converts to guest bed if required
- large yard, borders on vegetable garden
- lovingly built by craftsman with decades of experience and pride in work
$400,000 in Vancouver, no?

Unlisted features:
- no running water/electricity
- 64 square feet (ext.), excluding loft & deck
- uninsulated

All this to say that I've been having fun finishing the inside and am approaching "done". And no, it's definitely NOT for sale, that was the spoof part and I was just poking fun at how much time has been put into it. The kids are delighted to have the tools out of there and get the place back from their meddling mom.
Although the photos are great, they still don't do it justice. It's a palace, I tell ya...
SERIOUSLY cool! I know you just had Ezzie, but can you adopt me?
I think Jaia would scream bloody murder if he got a chance to play there and we had to go. Not hinting at anything, oh no no....haha!
It looks AWESOME, next year about this time we will probably be talking more play house talk with you guys, we have the slab already ready at our future home. So fun! Playhouses rock!
A palace is right Jeremy. Holy cow. Every kids dream. And yes Tannis, you could probably sell it in Vancouver for that much.
Lovely work, Tan. Is that pine boards on the wall? Looking forward to seeing your handiwork. Mom
Thanks one and all.
Nicole, you know I had to get that finished out to bribe you to visit the Okanagan. I thought the wine country thing might do it but it hasn't worked yet.
Jaia can come and play anytime (almost)! That slide is fast, I bet he'd like it - after the first run anyway.
Yes mom, those are pine boards. I didn't have enough for the whole thing but that part of it sure looks nice.
It's beautiful! Way, way down the road, when your kids outgrow it, you can make it into a roadside attraction!
I think dad was rather hoping to retire in it!
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