Jeremy pointed out to me this week that when I get too busy I react by complicating my life. In an effort to gain control over at least one area I go overboard on it. I happened to be reading that local foods book and got so into it that the next time I went to the grocery store I categorically refused to buy anything that had been processed or had travelled a bazillion miles. This, on a week when I was half starving from diet changes and desperately needed downtime. After 20 minutes of walking around the store cursing under my breath I buckled down and made the best choices I could from what was in front of me. It's the taking the step back and gaining perspective that I miss when I start to feel stress. I could just as easily fixate on the perfect shelf configuration to magically solve my clutter issues, rather than umm, sorting and chucking most of it. The less energy I have, the more likely I am to fall into flawed thinking and the "Paradox of Choice". The book is highly recommended by Jeremy, I've only heard and read excerpts.
On the fun side, because it's not nearly all bad, I had a fantastic time at hockey again this week. It's been a lifesaver this winter - I have scheduled exercise, a challenge, and a non-kid related social outing every weekend. I'm dreaming of replacing it with this or, dreaming big, this this spring. Another thing I'm up to that could fall into the category of complicating my life is that I'm back on the playhouse bandwagon. Now that it's nice out I'm fiddling with finishing the inside a little more and am really enjoying it. The goal is to use wood we have lying around or can beg, borrow or steal (thanks Hildebrands, once again!) to build little benches, shelves and a counter. Ezra loves playing up in the loft for short periods of time, especially with a sister or two around. That joy ride will end when he can crawl though and that's not so far off.

We all feel like that sometimes. Schleppititus. Interesting word. It seems that so many families are overscheduled these days. Always running from one thing to the next. From what I can tell by my glimpses into your lives is that your family seems very balanced. I am sure your Schleppititus will pass. Get well soon.
What a terrific play house!
The local food challenge can feel so overwhelming. It does severely complicate things to try to jump into it too fast. Especially this time of year, I imagine! Take heart--asparagus and ramps will be appearing before we know it.
Do I need to clarify that "schlepp" is a word used in low German that essentially means dragging things around? I'm not sure if that crosses into common use.
We normally keep ourselves very unscheduled on purpose so when it hits I don't deal well with it.
Ah, asparagus. The thought is bittersweet. There WAS a lovely wild patch in the orchard below us until it got bulldozed to plant a new vineyard two years ago. It was the only time I've truly enjoyed asparagus. It tastes so unlike the stringy stuff I'm likely to find in the store.
I've never seen ramps here, I wonder if they grow in this zone?
I like the idea of not jumping into it so quickly and have to remind myself that we did great with preserving last summer. I'm paying more attention now though because we've run out of a lot of our stored goods. We'll do even more this year if the energy holds.
Sounds like a rough week girl. Too bad we couldn't schlepp the kids to the beach; could have helped all around. Out here they'd say "tranquilo, tranquilo" (relax). Hopefully you'll be back to more normal diet soon. Love u, mom & dad
Yes, I yell at myself to relax but it hasn't been helping. I went for a short run tonite and it was great for me.
The diet is back to normal, thank goodness. I added on to the "eczema" post-you'll like what you see there.
We've got to get over in the day time one day. So Jaia can check out that rad play house with your 3 munchkins. So fun! Come to tumble time tomorrow, it's fun! @ 10:30. Call me if you need more info.
So glad to read the update Tan. Amazingly simple once you know the source of aggravation and happy for you you can eat more normally again. That picture you posted is priceless. Ezra sits so well. Mom
This post really hit home with me Tannis. I'm definitely going to pick up that book.
Also, expect phone calls from me next summer when I plan on having a garden and hope to can for various reasons (eat better and save on groceries).
Love the loft pic too!
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