
hawking cookies

Jeremy's last comment reminded me of the three cases of Girl Guide cookies Ivy brought home today. She's in her first year as a Brownie and couldn't be more thrilled, especially about the selling. Whose kid is this anyway?

So...if anyone local is itching to buy the fall chocolate/mint cookies please leave a comment here. Ivy would be so thrilled, and so would I to be honest. They're $4 a box and here are some recipes of things you can do with the cookies in case you don't like them straight up and end up with a few extra cases.


Teri said...

If we see you in the near future, we'd take a couple boxes of cookies :) We never get Girl Guide cookies so it would be nice to get them and tell the kids about them! I loved getting them as a kid!

Tannis said...

Thanks Teri! We'll see if we can swing a Kelowna drop-off in the near future. It's almost worth it just to see Ivy all dressed up in her uniform. Okay, maybe only for grandmas and parents, but I think it's cute.

Teri said...

that would be worth it! i imagine she's just adorable~

Kaili said...

Mmm girl guide cookies, I was thinking about that last week. Wondering when they would be out and about. If I ever make it to your place to drop off the mags we'll buy some!

Tannis said...

Forget that Kaili, WE'LL come to YOUR house! I'll call ahead.