
the bounty

Since late July we've been trying to fill the pantry. Here's what we have so far.

crab apple jelly - 15 jars and still going
plum jam - 15 jars
peach chutney - 10 jars
canned cherries - 14 pints, 6 quarts
canned peaches - 20 quarts
frozen cherries, peaches, blueberries
frozen zucchini, peppers, swiss chard, basil
garlic stored
drying hot, hot peppers to make into flakes
drying apples & tomatoes
salsa - 10 jars canned and about the same amount frozen
applesauce - 8 jars with more to come
pears - to be announced


Kaili said...

Wow! That's awesome! It's like you've got your own little store goin' on!

Tannis said...

At least 20 pints of pears...probably more coming, although we've already been eating the first batches.