We had a fabulous May long weekend, thanks to Angelo & Esther for coming up to visit. It was quite a luxury to make a pregnancy related comment and have someone know exactly what I meant, probably even before I was done saying it. On that front, I've now reached the delightful stage of feeling like my skin is ripping open once in a while and the sore hips at night are making an appearance. I feel wonderful most of the time though, despite little buddy packing on the weight. If you were hoping to hear something un-pregancy related...sorry, that's pretty much the focus at the moment.
The backstory to the photo is that I ran out to the garden right after a hailstorm to check on the plants - without my shoes. My feet were so cold I had to jump up on the landscaping tie on my way back to regain the feeling in them before I made it back into the house!
Those absolutely CANNOT be the ankles of a pregnant woman! I had CANKLES I was so thick! Jealous am I ... you look fabulous Tannis - what a great smile you're sporting in that shot :)
Oh Nicole, you're going to hate me but I'd never even heard of CANKLES! It sounds awful! I do remember the sausage toes though, just imagine 35+ degrees in late July (or, heaven forbid, early August).
Don't sweat it! I don't know where I got that one, but I don't think I can take credit for it. Cankles are basically where your calf and ankles mesh to become "one" because your ankles are sooooo thick they disappear. Gotta love water retention hey?
Oh sausage toes - the good times just keep on rolling! Here's hoping you're able to keep cool with all those lakes around you guys!
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