Random small cute houses in the Martha's Vineyard area, from the Cadence 90 - Tiny House Hunter site.

Jer sent me a fun link today to Tumbleweed Houses, where the house plans range from 75 square feet up to a whopping 600 or so. What a great idea to imagine the absolute smallest space you could live in and work from there, rather than starting big and then seeing where you might be able to cut corners to afford it. Yes, I know that the gorgeous 288 sq. ft. home above would be nuts with a whole family (in this culture anyway - that's a whole other topic), but the proportions and style are right for me. Maybe two together with a sweet indoor/outdoor porch type area? Oh yeah, and then there is the part about the land to put it on. There's always a catch.
I have to admit those houses are pretty cool - especially how transportable they are. Have you ever considered communal living an option? My wife and I lived with 6 other single people in century old house on the property of a camp for a year. It took some getting used to but economically was brilliant. We took turns cooking, cleaning, and the sense of community we experienced was unbelievable. The only weakness is the lack of privacy for us as a couple. I'm also not sure how it would work with kids but potential babysitters could be in the next room over!
Jer just came across a co-housing article around the same time as these links. It's about three families who buy a row of houses and work it out. I'm too tired to make the link look fancy, but this is it. http://thetyee.ca/Life/2006/01/11/TryCoHousing/
I think you'd always be looking for that sweet spot between the benefits of communal living and the need for privacy. If we consider it someday I may pepper you with questions.
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