
environmental defence

There's actually an organization called Environmental Defense. This is what they're about.

Environmental Defence protects the
environment and human health. We
research. We educate. We go to court
when we have to. All in order to
ensure clean air, safe food and thriving
ecosystems. Nationwide.

Nice to know someone is trying to do it. Might also be nice if the government stepped in too or, crazy as this sounds, maybe we take some responsibility ourselves for what we introduce into our homes and yards. Here's an excerpt from a CTV article on a recent report done by the Environment Defence.

The report, entitled Toxic Nation: A Report on Pollution in Canadians finds that, no matter where Canadians live, how old they are or what they do for a living, they are contaminated with measurable levels of chemicals that can cause cancer, disrupt hormones, affect reproduction, cause respiratory problems or impair neurological development.

Does anyone wonder if some of that cancer research money would be well spent trying to get some of this crap from getting into people in the first place so that at least our kids have a chance? I guess it's inevitable for large numbers of us to get cancer from what's already in our systems so we're naturally focussed on finding a cure. I'm finding it hard to stay positive about the whole scenario, particularly since so much of it seems out of my control. Some days I wish I could stop caring and head off into ignorant bliss. Even the "back to the land" dream is a myth as the highest concentrations of toxins are often found up North, far away from their places of origin.

I'm hoping to come up with a bright spot to end this off on but I can't muster one. A good night of sleep (assuming I can get one) often brings a new perspective in the morning. Sunrise, birth of a new day and all that.

update: Here's a list of "Less Toxic Products" from Nova Scotia that you may want to keep in mind next time you shop.


Ang said...

How is your morning going Tannis?
I just about printed off the list when I remembered how wonderful I am at stashing lists in secret places that get stumbled upon only annually. So i saved a tree and wrote down whatever i know will be do-able for me anyhow. Here's the list I came up with and jotted on a little sticky for my bulletin board...

=Equal measures water and vinegar

Carpet Deo
=Sprinkle Baking Soda, let sit overnite, vacume well

Fabric Softener
=Ball of aluminum foil in dryer

Lime and Mineral remover
=Baking Soda and water paste, sit on faucet for an hour

Spray and Wash
=Club Soda mixed with baking soda for heavy stains. (i wonder if it has to be fizzy)

Toilet Bowl Cleaner
=1 can coke or Vinegar

=equal measures water and vinegar or lemon juice

Tannis said...

Good tips Ang! My morning is much brighter, as I wake up I remember all the wonderful things about my life and anything seems possible again. Wonder why that wears off so quickly during the day?

I go through a lot of baking soda and vinegar in our home but didn't know about the aluminum foil in the dryer. I've always just skipped the softener and lived with the static. Isn't it creepy to do heavy duty cleaning with coke? It also kills weeds if necessary.

Ang said...

The Alaskan Highway coated our jeep with fresh tar and I remember steve, weeks after we got home, sitt'n there with his 2L of coke and a pail polishing the thing good as new!

Garth said...

Excellent post Tannis - scary but thought provoking. I should note though that the whole miracle coke cleaning thing apparently is a myth - at least according to an episode of Mythbusters a popular Learning Channel program.

Tannis said...

I've sometimes wondered if cleaning with coke wouldn't leave things worse off than they were before but if it works on tar...

pat said...

Wow Tannis, Loaded post but one of my favorite topics right now! In fact I'm on day 6 of a 10 day Detox called The Master Cleanse for the very reasons you've mentioned (and some others). Today I found out that free range chickens may not be legal anymore in Quebec because of the avian flu scare/scam. It's nuts what our government is allowing into Canadian's food and preventing healthier alternatives. If you're interested in how the cleanse is going check out my blog at pjaysperusings.blogspot.com. I like the way you're thinking.