Ezra turned 2 this week. Jeremy wrote a little summary of what he's into and included some photos. It's a bit of a mind bender in a good way. I didn't dwell too much on memories of his birth this year, like I sometimes do with all the kids. He's fascinating and hilarious and well...two. He's got so much on the go that I was thinking ahead more than back. Yesterday afternoon he looked at me quite seriously and said something like "My birthday, want do it again!".
On his birthday I was picking up one of the last items in the baby section that I expect to ever need there (for myself) and it felt odd. I felt like I didn't belong in that world anymore and it was OKAY by me. I know at some point I'll miss these years but for now I'm ready for the next stage. I got to rock and snuggle Ezra to sleep last night, he was so wound up. I'm enjoying those moments while they last.
I don't care what any research says (and I haven't looked) but it takes my body, mind and hormones about 2 years to come back to "normal" after having a baby. No matter how long/short I breastfed. It was less pronounced this third time around because I had a better idea of what to expect and how I cope with it, but it is still undeniably physical.
Along with the improved reasoning faculties comes restlessness. I need to channel that in a functional way. The last time we were at this stage we ended up selling our townhouse and moving into a sweet rental with our eye on extended travel. I found out I was pregnant a few days after moving into the new place and all bets were off.
I think it will be an interesting year.
Happy (belated) Birthday, Ezra!
Just wanted to thank you for posting this. I've had a hard couple of weeks, I think because Briony just hit the nine month mark, and so many people tell you that you'll be back to normal by now... It's just simply not true, and I think we'd all be happier if we just let go of that expectation and took that pressure off of ourselves. Thank you for giving me permission to do exactly that :)
Yes, let's take the pressure off ourselves please. Two years is only where I felt a benchmark, not a magic number or complete return to normal. The "normal" of a two year old does not remotely resemble life with no kids or older kids.
If I was to judge by your blog I'd say you're remarkably clear for having a 9 month old!
Oh, exactly. Two years to relative normalcy. I never quite reached it in between my two kids. I wish that were commonly acknowledged. When May was born I remember people saying three months, or six. Ha! I also felt a big jump in sanity around 18 months both times, but two years is when we finally painted the back porch.
Happy birthday, Ezra Milagro!
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