If this topic doesn't interest you, you may want to skip the next few entries. Since I am once again with child and have some friends in the same boat it's suddenly more fascinating again. I made extensive notes on each birth within days of it happening so there hasn't been too much re-interpretation over time. I've also taken the libery of drawing up my own stages of labour, just for fun. I'll be interested to see if the third birth follows the same pattern or if I have to revise the theory.
There were a lot of people up front and behind the scenes that were there supporting me throughout both labours but I wanted to keep it pretty anonymous. Our families were wonderful and literally kept us fed, clothed (mostly the babies) and sane for a good part of the newborn stage. Many thanks to all of you if I forgot to mention it at the time!
I have some pictures I want to include with the stories but they have to be scanned in - so passe. If I hold up the posts until I do that it may never happen.
oh my gosh, what an elegant photo. Birth stories were fascinating to read.
Thanks Ang! It's one of my favorite pregnant photos (so far). Am I going to see your stories up anytime soon or are they too fresh in your mind? Like you have time for that...
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