
Kite Runner

It's been a long week with my wee boy. I've been feeling like a failure of a parent who is raising a sociopath. No regard for the pain of others (mostly sisters) and kicking strangers at random in stores. He totally turns on the charm to a cheesy degree when he knows I'm angry.

Then today we had a date, a humble hour in town with just the two of us and no agenda. He requested a steamed milk and kite flying in the park. We had tried his kite in the yard in the morning and when the wind wasn't sufficient, I vaguely promised to try in the park with him "sometime". He didn't forget. The breeze in the park was stiff and I have never seen a little kite pop up like that and stay up. I had instructed Ezra to run away from the kite, against the wind to help get it into the air. Once it was up he couldn't stop grinning and running in wild circles with it. He was so genuinely relaxed and joyful that it gave me new hope and energy. He's a challenge yes, but he also shines brightly.

Part of me regrets not having a video of his unrestrained excitement but the other part treasures it for it's not having been captured. I hope I carry the precious image of his smile and crazy kite running with me for a long, long time.


Anonymous said...

Love this post. You are an amazing mother and you have such wonderful children. I am glad you had a special day with your little boy. Time is so precious and it is so great that we have these moments to cherish. cheers, Karen

Pearl said...

That's beautiful Tan. Those mental videos can be rerun at will forever.

Amanda Brown said...

So beautiful! I can relate to your first paragraph so much...glad you were able to have one of those "this is what it's all about" moments.