


It's a good day. I got up early to play hockey, the snow is drifting down, friends coming over for wine & cheese tonite and then Light Up. Mmm, looking forward to the "horse blankets", also knows as "beaver tails" in other parts of Canada.


Domestic Bloggess said...

Mmmm, beaver tails. Or as the Albertans call them, Elephant Ears?!

2nd most beautiful picture of you EVER - that I've seen of you at least. Your smile lights up a room though I have to say my most favorite is one of you during labor with Ezra, I believe and although you're looking intense and not smiling that megawatt smile, it's beautiful as well.

Glad to hear you guys are enjoying the snow!

Anonymous said...

yes, i love this picture. your sheer enjoyment of the snow shows. (so they are called elephant ears somewhere!) miss u. mom

Kaili said...

I love this picture of you! Can't believe we missed you at light up! Geesh not like there were 1000's of people in our way or anything!

Tannis said...

Thanks all, I love the photo too or I guess I wouldn't have put it up! It ended up being a symbol of the great day I was having in general. After a week of mostly grouchy.

Miss you too mom. Light up isn't the same without you in the trunk!

Kaili, I didn't end up making it to light-up as I put Ez to bed instead. Jeremy & the girls had a great time there and brought me the coveted horse blanket.

tfoxfan said...

I truly love this picture of you - pure glee and delight.
Thanks for the call tonight - good to hear your voice.