Ivy presented me with this stanley cup-like award two weeks ago when I finished planting a garden. I'm not sure if she was congratulating me on percieved gardening prowess or thinking "thank goodness it's finally in" but it was sweet.
Our very gracious friends are not using their well designed plot this year and were kind enough to let me have a crack at planting vegetables. Whether or not I can learn to eat them is not their problem. I was thrilled to get my hands dirty and had good help from Dianne and Ivy getting the weeds out and the beds prepped. The girls were delighted with the idea of gardening but the ice cream afterwards was more to their liking than the actual work.
At home in our small areas I've gone overboard with the plants, it's some kind of crazy green addiction I never anticipated. I started some flowers and herbs indoors a few weeks ahead of time and it was very rewarding to see them pop out of their little pots and grow like mad. Unfortunately they mostly seem to have grown very gangly wimpy stems and haven't transplanted well. Yes, I pinched them back when they had a few sets of leaves but it didn't help. Anyone know what else I might have botched?
Our very gracious friends are not using their well designed plot this year and were kind enough to let me have a crack at planting vegetables. Whether or not I can learn to eat them is not their problem. I was thrilled to get my hands dirty and had good help from Dianne and Ivy getting the weeds out and the beds prepped. The girls were delighted with the idea of gardening but the ice cream afterwards was more to their liking than the actual work.
At home in our small areas I've gone overboard with the plants, it's some kind of crazy green addiction I never anticipated. I started some flowers and herbs indoors a few weeks ahead of time and it was very rewarding to see them pop out of their little pots and grow like mad. Unfortunately they mostly seem to have grown very gangly wimpy stems and haven't transplanted well. Yes, I pinched them back when they had a few sets of leaves but it didn't help. Anyone know what else I might have botched?

Check out the beloved gardening hat, it's my inspiration.

At latest check yesterday we had carrots, beans, sunflowers, potatoes and a hint of dill poking out of the ground. That leaves the other herbs, onions, beets and corn yet to come if all goes well. I got tired of waiting for the flower bed to start sprouting so I finally planted those seeds. I never said I was on top of things.
What a beautiful setting for a garden! Seeds have got to sprout just to emerge & enjoy the scenery! So far we've got carrots, peas, beets & calendula up, but they could still get nipped with frost at night. Ivy looks like a natural out there. Good luck.
Hey, I like that title - green thumb grandma. Man, I wish I could come out there once a day or so. That place is a little piece of heaven.
It is a beautiful setting. We just spent the last two evenings up there with friends and the kids have never been so happy (or tired).
I found out that our mystery animals making those odd bowl shapes are quails doing something funky with their wings!
And the beets are up.
Tannis, you look so rad with the jeans rolled up.
Small town fashion at it's finest. I can't afford those fancy new capri things they have in the city.
I stumbled upon this post kind of late, but just in time to complain about what one of our cats did! I don't plant a garden, because there is no good spot for one on this (weed-infested) yard. However, I planted catnip thinking it would be nice for the cats. I was so proud of the little sprouts coming through the ground. It's been so dry here, I've had to diligently water the little plants almost every day. Well, wouldn't you know I go out there today and the plants are GONE, and the safety posts I put around them are FLATTENED, as is the ground around the area. One of our cats found the 'nip, ate it, went into cat euphoria and decided to lay down right there and sleep. What a jerk...
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