Non-cool things that seem to fill my time? Laundry, dishes, book-keeper stuff for the strata, clean up infinite scraps of crafts from the floor, trip on toys, dress/undress/redress kids in costumes multiple times a day, make snacks, make different snacks, wonder why nobody wants lunch...
Somewhere in between all of that I manage to spend a lot of good quality time with the kids and Jeremy but don't see or communicate with friends as often as I'd like. My parents just left after spending a week in our busy household. We had a wonderful time and Grandma Pearl proved once again to be the master of playtime. The weekend in the hotel hot tub was a serious highlight as well. And who would ever have thought that I'd get a chance to play hockey with my dad?! Love it.

Happy 60th mom! Hope you were queen for the day.

Dad and I setting up for an hour and a half long 3 on 3 scrimmage. I'm still tired.